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Jenna Plummer

Get up, Clean up, Dress up, Show up, Step up, Move up

What an AMAZING and INSPIRING presentation on leadership by Nancy Rice at the SAND meeting today! She discussed many topics including what leadership is, attributes of a leader, tips for being a leader, and team building!


The ability to influence others, with or without authority, and get things done.

The "big three" in terms of leadership, together, make for an effective leader:

Awareness: the ability to assess the impact of your actions on situations and others, and be critically self-reflective

Ability: to learn, to understand, and to influence

Commitment: A promise, a pledge, a vow

She stated that leadership is about caring - most ardently - and it is important to:

- Think clearly: if you ever feel like you are overwhelmed; take out a piece of paper and write down what you need to do. This will help you relax and focus.

- Be articulate in your communications: don't just tell one employee, tell them all.

- Behave intentionally

Attributes of a leader:

Guiding vision










Body language is important when it comes to leadership; it helps you feel like you are in control.

It is important to stand in a way that portrays control and respect. "Stand like a poker stick is inserted into your spine," Nancy says. The infamous "Wonder Woman stance" is known to be the most powerful.

Embrace your inner Wonder Woman!

Nancy's tips for being a leader:

1. Act as if you are in control

2. The attitude you convey is what you are judged on; attitude is contagious

and only you have the power to decide what your attitude will be

3. You are what you think and believe

4. Rise to the challenge

"Can't means one of two things, either you don't know how or you won't." - Nancy Rice

Teamwork makes the dream work! It is crucial in school foodservice!

An effective team helps one feel that he or she is:

- Doing something worthwhile

- Enjoying a more satisfying work life

- More in control of his or her job

- Making contributions which are well used

- Learning new skills

- Recognized and respected

As your leader, "I will support you if you're right, protect you if you're wrong, but only if your intention is in the correct place."

Thank you, Nancy Rice, for all of your wisdom!

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